Sick Leave Entitlement Singapore: A Complete Guide to Your 2024 Benefits

Sick Leave Entitlement Singapore: A Complete Guide to Your 2024 Benefits

Learn about Singapore's sick leave entitlement - from eligibility and duration to medical certificates and payment. A complete guide to employee sick leave rights under the Employment Act.
Written By
Siyu Chen
HR Editor at Gutsy

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Navigating sick leave entitlements can be confusing. This comprehensive guide clarifies your rights and responsibilities as an employee in Singapore regarding paid sick leave, as outlined under the Employment Act.

What is Sick Leave Entitlement in Singapore?

Singapore's Employment Act governs sick leave, offering paid time off for illness or injury. Eligibility hinges on several factors, primarily your length of service.


  • Coverage under the Employment Act.
  • At least 3 months of continuous employment with the current employer.
  • Notification to your employer within 48 hours of absence (unless exceptional circumstances prevent this).

Types of Sick Leave

  • Paid Outpatient Sick Leave: For short-term illnesses requiring a doctor's visit but not hospitalization. After 6 months of service, this entitlement is up to 14 days per year.
  • Paid Hospitalization Leave: Covers hospitalization, day surgery, or doctor-recommended bed rest (e.g., for pregnancy complications).
    After 6 months of service, this is up to 60 days per year. Crucially, this 60-day allowance *includes* the 14 days of outpatient sick leave.

    Exception: The 60-day allowance is specifically for hospitalization leave and does not include the 14 days of outpatient sick leave. These entitlements are separate and distinct under Singapore's labor laws.

Entitlement Based on Service Duration

Entitlement is pro-rated for employees with 3 to 6 months of service:

  • 3 months: 5 days outpatient sick leave, 15 days hospitalization leave.
  • 4 months: 8 days outpatient sick leave, 30 days hospitalization leave.
  • 5 months: 11 days outpatient sick leave, 45 days hospitalization leave.
  • 6 months and thereafter: 14 days outpatient sick leave (included within the 60 days of hospitalization leave).

Medical Certification

A medical certificate (MC) from a registered medical practitioner (under the Medical Registration Act or Dental Registration Act) is mandatory for paid sick leave.

Payment During Sick Leave

Payment during sick leave is at your gross rate of pay (excluding most bonuses, allowances, and overtime).

Additional Points

  • Employers must reimburse medical consultation fees if the MC is from a public medical institution or a company-appointed doctor.
  • Sick leave is not applicable for absences on public holidays, rest days, or during annual leave.

How Many Days of Paid Sick Leave Am I Entitled To?

Your paid sick leave entitlement depends on your service duration. The key is the distinction between outpatient and hospitalization leave, with the latter encompassing the former.

Paid Outpatient Sick Leave

The number of days for outpatient sick leave is pro-rated for the first six months and then fixed at 14 days:

Months of Service Paid Outpatient Sick Leave (Days)
3 5
4 8
5 11
6 and thereafter 14

Paid Hospitalization Leave

Hospitalization leave entitlement also increases with tenure:

Months of Service Paid Hospitalization Leave (Days)
3 15
4 30
5 45
6 and thereafter 60 (includes 14 days of outpatient sick leave)

Do I Need a Medical Certificate (MC)?

Yes, a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner is required to claim paid sick leave. This certificate provides proof of illness and justifies your absence.

When Does My Sick Leave Entitlement Start?

Your sick leave entitlement begins after completing 3 months of continuous service. However, entitlement is pro-rated during the first 3 to 6 months.

Full entitlement (14 days outpatient and 60 days hospitalization) starts after 6 months of continuous service.

What Happens to Unused Sick Leave?

Unused sick leave does not carry over to the next year. Any remaining days are forfeited at the end of the year.

Sick Leave During Probation?

You are not entitled to paid sick leave during your first 3 months of employment (including probation). However, your employer may grant paid sick leave at their discretion. After 3 months, entitlement applies, even if you are still on probation, but it will be pro-rated.

Can My Employer Reject My Sick Leave?

No, your employer generally cannot reject a valid sick leave application backed by a proper MC and timely notification (within 48 hours).

Taking More Sick Leave Than Entitled?

Exceeding your entitlement may result in unpaid leave. While you're protected from unfair dismissal, repeated or excessive absences without valid justification could lead to disciplinary actions.

Does Hospitalization Leave Count Towards My Sick Leave?

Yes, the 60 days of hospitalization leave includes the 14 days of outpatient sick leave. They are not separate entitlements.

Can My Employer Deduct My Salary for Sick Leave?

No, your employer cannot deduct your salary for valid sick leave supported by a medical certificate. However, overpayments can be rectified.

This information is for guidance only and should not be considered legal advice. For specific legal advice, consult with an employment lawyer.

Disclaimer: This article was made with the help of AI and should not be used as a reference for legal matters. Please always double-check with official sources to ensure accuracy.

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