Singapore Parental Leave Guide: Latest Changes & Eligibility

Singapore Parental Leave Guide: Latest Changes & Eligibility

A comprehensive guide to Singapore's parental leave policies, including maternity, paternity, and shared parental leave entitlements, eligibility criteria, and upcoming changes in 2025-2026.
Asian families of 4 members
Written By
Siyu Chen
HR Editor at Gutsy

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Parental Leave in Singapore: A Comprehensive Guide

Singapore's parental leave policies are continuously evolving to better accommodate working parents and foster a family-friendly work environment. This guide offers an in-depth overview of the current and forthcoming changes, addressing essential questions and concerns.

Types of Parental Leave in Singapore

Singapore provides various parental leave types to support working parents:

  • Maternity Leave: Eligible working mothers are entitled to 16 weeks of Government-Paid Maternity Leave (GPML), with 8 weeks paid by the employer and 8 weeks paid by the government. And this leave can be taken flexibly, with at least 8 weeks after childbirth.
  • Paternity Leave: Eligible working fathers are currently entitled to 2 weeks of Government-Paid Paternity Leave (GPPL). This entitlement will increase to 4 weeks starting April 1, 2025, with employers required to provide the additional two weeks.
  • Shared Parental Leave: Commencing April 1, 2025, parents will receive 6 weeks of shared parental leave, increasing to 10 weeks from April 1, 2026. This leave is available for both parents without affecting maternity leave entitlements.
  • Adoption Leave: Eligible adoptive parents qualify for government-paid leave, and the leave duration is depends on the child's birth order.
  • Unpaid Infant Care Leave: Eligible parents are entitled to 12 days of unpaid infant care leave a year if the child is a Singapore citizen.
  • Childcare Leave: Working parents with children under 7 years old can take 6 days of Government_Paid Childcare Leave annually (3 employer-paid, 3 government-reimbursed).
  • Extended Childcare Leave: For children aged 7 to 12, parents are entitled to 2 days of extended childcare leave per year (government-reimbursed).

Discover more in-depth information about mandated parental leave entitlements on the MOM official website.

Government-Paid Paternity Leave (GPPL): Details and Eligibility

Current Entitlement (Until April 1, 2025):

  • 2 weeks of mandatory Government-Paid Paternity Leave (GPPL).
  • As of November 2024, eligible working fathers in Singapore can take an additional 2 weeks of Government-Paid Paternity Leave (GPPL) if their employer agrees.

Future Entitlement (From April 1, 2025):

  • 4 weeks of mandatory GPPL for fathers of Singapore Citizen children born on or after this date.

Eligibility Criteria for GPPL:

  • Child's Citizenship: The child must be a Singapore citizen (or acquire citizenship within 12 months of birth).
  • Marital Status: The father must be or have been legally married to the child’s mother between conception and birth.
  • Employment Status: Employees must have been in continuous service with their employer for at least 3 months before the birth. Self-employed individuals must be working for at least 3 months before birth and will have loss of income during the leave period.

Flexibility in Taking GPPL:

Working fathers can take a continuous block (2-4 weeks) within 16 weeks after birth, or flexibly within 12 months after birth, subject to employer agreement.

Shared Parental Leave: A New Approach

The Shared Parental Leave (SPL) scheme, effective April 1, 2025, allows parents to share up to 10 weeks of leave (starting at 6 weeks, rising to 10 weeks from April 1, 2026). This leave can be flexibly distributed between parents, with adjustments needed within four weeks of the child’s birth.

Parental Leave and Job Changes

Switching jobs during pregnancy or maternity leave doesn’t have to affect your parental leave benefits. As long as you meet the continuous employment requirements with your new employer and take the leave within the designated timeframe, your benefits remain intact. Your new employer can then claim reimbursement from the government.

Applying for Parental Leave: Process and Documents

  • Inform Your Employer: Notify your employer about your intention to apply for parental leave.
  • Complete the Declaration Form: Fill out the required form, which might be a standard declaration or one provided by your employer.
  • Submit Supporting Documents: Provide essential documents such as:
    • Your child’s birth certificate
    • Marriage certificate
    • Proof of employment

Parental Leave for Foreign Employees

Foreign employees generally do not qualify for Singapore's government-paid parental leave schemes, which are designed for citizens. Hence, their leave entitlements fall under the Employment Act.

Employer Refusal of Parental Leave

Employers cannot lawfully dismiss or notify dismissal to an employee on parental leave. Further, legal recourse is available for employers who deny the leave.

Extending Parental Leave

No provision currently exists for extending parental leave beyond the standard durations, though flexibility within the shared parental leave scheme allows allocation between parents.

Parental Leave Payment Calculation

Payment for maternity leave is split between the employer (first 8 weeks) and the government (subsequent 8 weeks, capped at $2,500 per week). Payments for paternity and shared parental leave are employer-made initially but are fully reimbursable by the government (capped at $2,500 per week).

Post-Parental Leave Support

Following parental leave, government-paid childcare leave and extended childcare leave are available, alongside flexible work arrangements to assist working parents with childcare.

Leave Type Duration Payment Structure Eligibility Notes
Maternity Leave 16 weeks Employer (8 weeks), Government (8 weeks) Eligible working mothers
Paternity Leave (from April 1, 2025) 4 weeks Employer (reimbursed by Government) Eligible fathers of Singapore Citizen children
Shared Parental Leave (from April 1, 2025) 6 weeks (increasing to 10 weeks from April 1, 2026) Employer (reimbursed by Government) Both parents and child must be Singapore Citizen
Disclaimer: This article was made with the help of AI and should not be used as a reference for legal matters. Please always double-check with official sources to ensure accuracy.

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