Senior Employment Credit Singapore: Complete Guide to Wage Offsets (2023-2025)

Senior Employment Credit Singapore: Complete Guide to Wage Offsets (2023-2025)

Learn about Singapore's Senior Employment Credit (SEC) scheme - a government initiative providing wage offsets to employers hiring Singaporean workers aged 60 and above, earning up to $4,000 monthly.
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Siyu Chen
HR Editor at Gutsy

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Understanding Singapore's Senior Employment Credit (SEC) Scheme

Singapore's Senior Employment Credit (SEC) scheme is a government initiative designed to encourage employers to hire and retain older workers. This article provides a comprehensive guide to the SEC, addressing common questions and clarifying its intricacies.

What is the Senior Employment Credit (SEC) Scheme?

The SEC is a key component of Singapore's Senior Worker Support Package. It aims to ease the financial burden on businesses due to increased retirement (62 to 65) and re-employment (67 to 70) ages, along with higher CPF contribution rates for senior workers. This scheme provides wage offsets to employers who hire and retain Singaporean employees aged 60 and above, who earn up to $4,000 per month.

Key Components of the SEC Scheme:

  • Eligibility: Applies to Singaporean workers aged 60 and above, earning up to $4,000 monthly, with timely mandatory CPF contributions (for the period 2023-2025).
  • Wage Offsets: Employers receive wage offsets based on the employee's age and monthly wage. Higher offsets are provided for employees earning up to $3,000 per month.
  • Automatic Payouts: Employers do not need to apply; IRAS automatically assesses eligibility and disburses payments via GIRO or PayNow Corporate.
  • Purpose: To support businesses in adapting to the increased costs associated with an aging workforce and encourage the continued employment of older individuals.

How Much Tax Relief Can I Get from Hiring Senior Workers?

The tax relief, or wage offset, under the SEC scheme varies depending on the employee's age and monthly wage, with more support provided for those earning up to $3,000 per month.

Wage Offsets (2023-2025):

  • Aged 60-64: Up to 2% of the wage (up to $3,000); a decreasing rate for wages between $3,000 and $4,000.
  • Aged 65-67: Up to 4% of the wage (up to $3,000); a decreasing rate for wages between $3,000 and $4,000.
  • Aged 68 and above: Up to 7% of the wage (up to $3,000); a decreasing rate for wages between $3,000 and $4,000.

Specific Examples:

  • Employee aged 68+, earning $3,000: Up to $210 monthly offset in 2023, $180 in 2024 and 2025.
  • Employee aged 60-64, earning $3,000: Up to $60 monthly offset.

SEC Payouts for 2024 and 2025:

Age Group Up to $3,000 >$3,000 to <$4,000
Aged 60-64 2% of wage $240 – (0.06*wage)
Aged 65-67 4% of wage $480 – (0.12*wage)
Aged 68 and above 7% of wage $840 – (0.21*wage)

Who is Eligible for the Senior Employment Credit?

To qualify for the SEC, both the employer and the employee must meet specific criteria:

Employee Eligibility:

  • Singaporean Citizen
  • Aged 60 and above
  • Monthly wage up to $4,000
  • Employer has made timely mandatory CPF contributions

Employer Eligibility:

  • Registered entity in Singapore (Sole proprietors and businesses operating without a UEN are ineligible).

Age Requirements for Employees

The age requirement for SEC eligibility is currently 60 years and above (2023-2025). Previously (2021-2022), the age was 55 and above.

How is the Senior Employment Credit Calculated and Paid Out?

The SEC is calculated based on the employee's age and monthly wage. Employers do not need to apply. IRAS automatically assesses eligibility and pays out the credit electronically via GIRO or PayNow Corporate.

Do Employers Need to Apply Separately for the SEC?

No. The IRAS automatically processes the SEC based on existing Income Tax/GST notification preferences.

Senior Employment Credit vs. Other Employment Support Schemes

The SEC differs from other schemes such as the Enabling Employment Credit (EEC) and CPF Transition Offset (CTO). Here's a comparison:

Scheme Objective Eligibility Benefits
SEC Support employers hiring senior workers Singaporean workers aged 60+, earning up to $4,000 Wage offsets (2-7%) based on age and wage
EEC Support employment of persons with disabilities Persons with disabilities aged 13+, earning up to $4,000 Wage offsets (up to 20%, capped at $400)
CTO Offset increased CPF contribution rates for senior workers Local employees aged 55-70 50% of annual increase in employer CPF contribution rates

How Long Will the Senior Employment Credit Scheme Be Available?

The SEC scheme is currently extended until 2025.

**Note**: The SEC scheme provides support for wages paid between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2025, with specific conditions and age-based support levels.

CPF Contribution Requirements

Timely mandatory CPF contributions are crucial for SEC eligibility. Employers must contribute according to prevailing rates (10.5% employer, 11.5% employee for those aged 60+).

Can Part-Time Senior Employees Qualify?

Yes, part-time senior employees can qualify if they meet all other eligibility criteria (Singaporean citizen, aged 60+, earning up to $4,000, timely CPF contributions).

Disclaimer: This article was made with the help of AI and should not be used as a reference for legal matters. Please always double-check with official sources to ensure accuracy.

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